
Freebie Friday 218: Youth worker guide for Soul Surfer movie

Free youth ministry resources every FridayThere’s some buzz surrounding the movie, Soul Surfer, in Christian circles. I haven’t seen it, but it’s supposed to be an inspiring true story of Bethany Hamilton and Carrie Underwood plays as Bethany’s youth worker. It opens in 2000 theaters on 04/08/11.

Interlinc is inviting youth workers who are interested in using the movie in their youth groups to become a Soul Surfer Crew Member. Here’s what they say about it:

We’ll equip you with all the resources to use this special event in your ministry. As a Soul Surfer Crew Member you will receive the 16 page “Behind The Scenes” Youth Worker Guide, Resource DVD, and Movie Poster. You will also get the weekly electronic “Surf Report” with additional behind the scenes resources. Best of all, it’s totally FREE!

Watch the Soul Surfer trailer or signup for the DVD, poster, youth worker guide and other goodies at the link below.

LinkSoul Surfer Youth Worker Guide

NOTE: You’ll have to part with some contact info to have it mailed to you.

Posted on March 4, 2011

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