
A perfect youth worker Christmas gift

I Won't WatchToday and tomorrow (December 19-20, 2011), every watch that’s purchased at contributes $8.00 to the Youth Worker Christmas Fund, which is now up to almost $1,800!

If you haven’t yet today, go vote for who you want the funds to go to!

These watches are available in all sorts of colors and are the perfect youth worker Christmas gift for two reasons:

  1. They fit the typical youth worker “style.”
  2. Half of the $16.00 goes to a youth worker in need this Christmas, as voted on by you all!

Use these watches for your own fundraiser!

Additionally, if your ministry is looking for a good fundraiser, these watches can not only raise money for your youth group, but they serve as the perfect conversation starter to tell someone about your cause each time you get a compliment about your watch!

That’s exactly how I learned about in the first place. E.J. Swanson, who started “I Won’t Watch,” was wearing one and I really liked it. I mentioned the watch and gave him the opportunity to share his vision for “Stop Watching. Start Doing.”

I caught up on Skype with E.J. last week and we talked a bit more about “I Won’t Watch: Stop Watching. Start Doing.” and how you guys can use these as a fundraiser for your own group. Here’s a video of our conversation.

Posted on December 19, 2011

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