
What I learned in 2005

— Ministry is sometimes more grind than glamor.

— Life-change in those following me starts with life-change in my own life.

— There is some sort of releasing freedom in sharing struggles with trustworthy people.

— Too often I focus on the individual puzzle pieces of ministry rather than the big picture that God’s putting together.

— Discontentment is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it pushes me to excel.

— God’s approval is more important than man’s approval.

— Paying attention to the little things in a person’s life means the world to them.

— God uses deep heartache for growth and evaluation.

— It’s okay to be unapologetic for setting boundaries and limits in life.

— My ultimate dream for youth ministry is larger than I initially conceived.

— I really like Guild Wars and raspberry iced tea. ;)

Posted on December 28, 2005

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