
What I dream for a church

Sparked by Dan Kimball’s recent blog post, I put together my own dream for a church, especially as it pertains to me in ministry.

In no particular order:

— A church that respects me, my gifts and abilities.
— A church that grants me the freedom to fail (within reason, of course!).
— A church that holds to no “sacred cow” “just because.”
— A church that gives freedom to accomplish our mission in new and experimental ways.
— A church that values my time and guards the realistic expectations placed on it.
— A church that knows the balance between fun and maturity.
— A church that saturates its ministry in prayer.
— A church that follows the Holy Spirit more than a person.
— A church where people feel safe to be transparent and vulnerable with each other.
— A church where leadership models transparency and genuineness.
— A church where everyone is valued and loved equally regardless of spirituality or financial income.
— A church that continually grows in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.
— A church where I am challenged in my personal walk with the Lord.
— A church that openly and passionately worships God.
— A church that uses its positive reputation to impact the community for Christ.
— A church that understands they are paying me, not me AND my wife.
— A church that allows my ministry to reflect my heart and personality as it coincides with the overarching church and youth ministry philosophies.
— A church that values sound theology while fellowshipping with other members of the body who hold to opposing viewpoints.
— A church that bases everything it does on the foundation of scripture.
— A church that sees ministry as a “kingdom mindset.”

Posted on June 14, 2006

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