
Vote to give $1,500+ to a youth worker!

Youth Worker Christmas FundWow, selecting only 4 of you for the Youth Worker Christmas Fund Giveaway was very hard. Extremely hard! The judges (Terrace Crawford, Ryan Nielsen, Adam Wormann, E.J. Swanson) and myself received 18 stories from youth workers sharing their financial needs in a YouTube video and man, every video we received was tough to watch. Some of you even made my wife cry! But in true youth worker fashion, many of you made us laugh, despite the story of your situation.

We really struggled to narrow the 18 videos down to only 4 stories to share with you all, the Life In Student Ministry community, but we finally did it. We present to you:

  • Mark Cox
  • Joshua Johnson
  • Matthew Fry
  • Kris Howell

Go vote for 1 or 2 of them!

Now it’s your turn to vote on those final stories and pick the youth worker you all collectively feel should be given the $1,533.95 in the Youth Worker Christmas Fund. You may vote for up to two youth workers once per day until December 20, 2011, at 11:59pm. The youth worker you all give the most votes to will receive the entire the Youth Worker Christmas Fund!

Help us grow the fund

Of course, we’d love to grow the fund even larger than it’s current balance of $1,533.95! All purchases of my new ebook, Focused Youth Ministry,contributes $4.97 to the fund.

I Won't WatchOr, E.J. Swanson’s side-ministry, I Won’t Watch: Stop Watching. Do Something., will contribute $8.00 for every watch sold during this voting period. These watches are slick, too! And they make the perfect Christmas present!

Of course, if you’d like to just give directly to the fund, you can do that, as well.

Thanks to our sponsors

This fund would not be possible without the generosity of Simply Youth Ministry and I Won’t Watch.

Seriously, these are two organizations who don’t just say they love youth workers, they put their money were their mouth is without hesitation.

It would be awesome if you guys supported these two organizations! Check out their websites and follow them in their social spaces.

Posted on December 12, 2011

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Focused Youth Ministry

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