
Various new blog features being added

I have about six new ministry web projects in mind that I’m working on, ranging from online small groups for youth workers to community book studies to promotional tools for your ministry-related web content. They’re all in the works, but are developed slowly since my real job is in youth ministry and I just play with this other stuff for fun as time permits.

Youth Ministry Job/Services Board
Just last week I added a youth ministry jobs section to this site for churches and organizations with job opportunities who want to reach youth workers through my site (currently over visitors 8,000 per week). You can find that job board at Every page on my website also shows the five most recently added jobs in the sidebar. Normally there will be a small fee to post a job, but for one month (ending Jan 17, 2008) all new job posts are free using this promotional code: FREEYMJOB

The board also has a category for ministry organizations looking to promote their products and services, but the promo code only applies for ministry job positions.

Time Out: Quiet times for the youth worker’s soul
Youth ministry is a very demanding job. It’s emotionally taxing, physically draining and spiritually challenging. It’s easy to become so busy in youth ministry that there’s no room to take a time out, relax and spend some re-energizing time with the Lord. So, starting on the first Monday in January and continuing every week thereafter, my dad will be a guest blogger here at Life in Student Ministry. He’ll share short devotional thoughts and questions for reflection geared specifically for youth workers. Our prayer is that these weekly quiet times will be both encouraging and inspiring for you personally and in your ministry to students as you take a time out of your busyness to chill with God.

Posted on December 17, 2007

New eBookGo
Focused Youth Ministry ebook

85% off!

Focused Youth Ministry

This practical "how to" ebook will walk you through a 30-step process to discovering God's vision for your unique ministry context. The process also shows you how to implement that vision and put metrics in place to evaluate what is moving the vision forward and what isn't.

Price: $12.95 Limited time: $1.99
