
Unifying a youth group, sending off graduates, youth group vs church, and more [podcast]

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkEvery once in a while we like to just kick back and talk about youth ministry with no specific agenda in mind. This is how LIVE YM Talk first got started, so it’s fun to return to our roots. We share stories, ask for advice, pray for each other, encourage each other, ask questions, whatever.

Here are some of the questions that came up in our discussion. It was a really great conversation!

Some of the things we talked about:

  • Does a church youth group of 4 smaller youth groups need to come together as a large group? Is it segregation or affinity?
  • What does your church or youth group do to send graduating seniors off to college?
  • How do you stay in touch with graduates after they move to college?
  • Why do we call it “big church?”
  • Is it okay for teens to only go to youth group and not to church services?
  • Why aren’t teens connecting to “church” after graduation?

You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.

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Posted on April 18, 2010

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