A prayer team for your ministry this fall
We all know we should have a prayer team for our ministry, but even though we value it we don’t prioritize it and make it a reality.

Freebie Friday #171: Looping video backgrounds
Download free looping video backgrounds for PowerPoint. Great for church worship slides and more.

Freebie Friday #170: Worship song download with chord chart
Brian Buchanan is in a worship band called Warfare from The Lake Church in Savannah, Ga. They released their first CD this week and sent me a free mp3 and chord…

3 things I want my students to know before they graduate (part 2)
READ PART 1: Yesterday I shared 3 things I want my students to know before they graduate – part 1. This second part addresses how we try to accomplish…

3 things I want my students to know before they graduate (part 1)
Graduation is coming up soon. What do you want your seniors to know, do or experience before they leave youth group?

3 tips for improving your student ministry’s worship media
The following guest post is contributed by Jason Stemm.
Is your student ministry leading students into the presence of Christ? As a youth leader myself, I know…

Freebie Friday #93: PowerPoint praise songs AND Engage Journal
I have two freebies for you guys this week! The first one is a listing of lots of worship praise songs in PowerPoint. If you’re like me, I usually type up…