Signs that a youth leader is lacking maturity and healthy adult...
Sometimes youth workers fulfill personal needs by substituting healthy adult relationships for those with teens.

Leading a team of volunteer youth workers [podcast]
Last Monday the youth pastor at NewSpring Community Church, Brad Cooper, joined us for LIVE YM Talk to discuss our topic of, “Leading a team of volunteer…

Key steps for a successful start in youth ministry as a volunteer...
Dennis Beckner joined us last Monday to talk about keys for a successful start in youth ministry as a volunteer. Dennis has been a volunteer youth leader in the…

Why volunteers won’t show up for your training (3 of 3)
This guest series is contributed by Bill Allison of Cadre Ministries.
Read Part 1
Read Part 2
Training Killer #3: Poor Planning
One prevalent reason many…

Why volunteers won’t show up for your training (2 of 3)
This guest series is contributed by Bill Allison of Cadre Ministries.
Read Part 1
Read Part 3
Training Killer #2: Cotton Candy Training Content
Another killer…

Why volunteers won’t show up for your training (1 of 3)
Youth leaders won’t show up for your meetings and trainings? Bill Allison gives three reasons why…

“Best practices” for our high school small groups
This fall our ministry is launching a couple new high school small groups and I want to make sure our leadership team does all it can to ensure that they are…

The importance of building a youth ministry team [podcast]
Today Brian Eberly joined us for our LIVE YM Talk and led us in a discussion about the importance of building a youth ministry team. Although most of us are…

10 ideas for keeping adult leaders on board long-term
Here’s 10 ideas for building a solid team of adult leaders who are committed for the long-haul.