I’m developing a mentorship program for YOU
Part of what I really enjoy doing through Life in Student Ministry is encouraging and resourcing youth workers in ways that other organizations aren’t. I…

Video archive of Teen Internet Seminar for Parents
Thanks to everyone who joined our live video feed last night of the Teen Internet Workshop for Parents! It was great to have your interaction and contribution…

Seminar on Teen Internet Hangouts tonight!
Tonight I’m teaching a seminar for my youth group parents on teen Internet hangouts like Facebook, World of Warcraft, YouTube and some upcoming sites to…

NYWC 2007 St. Louis: Back home again
Dana and I got up early this morning to meet with Greg Stier, despite being up late at the Comedy Club last night. It was encouraging to hear the depth of…

NYWC 2007 St. Louis: Day 3
This morning was great! YS didn’t schedule anything until 10:00 AM so we could sleep in on a Sunday morning for once. Plus, with the time change, we got…

NYWC 2007 St. Louis: Day 2 (My wife wins everything!)
Started out this morning going to Walt Mueller’s seminar called, Smoke and Mirrors: How marketing shapes and manipulates your students and what you can do…

NYWC 2007 St. Louis: Day 1
After a long and tiring drive yesterday, we finally arrived late last night. Unfortunately, our hotel bed isn’t that comfortable and the rooms around us…

Heading to the National Youth Workers Convention tomorrow!
Tomorrow my wife and start our 11 hour drive to St. Louis for Youth Specialties’ National Youth Workers Convention. We’re looking forward to a…

Youth Specialties’ The CORE last Saturday
Last Saturday I went out to Youth Specialties’ The CORE training in Maple Grove, Minnesota with several other youth volunteers from my church. The topic…

How do I train youth leaders to be relational?
Here’s an question that showed up in my Inbox from an unnamed reader of this blog:
I can’t seem to get my leaders fired up about being relational…