6 things I’ve learned as a volunteer youth worker
I’m learning a lot about youth ministry going from a paid youth pastor to a volunteer youth leader. It’s been a lot of fun!

Using long car rides to connect
Two ideas for using long car rides to connect with teenagers, even if they’re in the back of the bus listening to their ipods.

Evangelism lesson and videos from Greg Stier [Freebie Friday]
Snag this free evangelism lesson and videos from Greg Stier to train your youth group how to overcome their fear of sharing Christ.

Arrogant Student Leaders
How would you answer this youth worker’s question about student leaders who are running ministry on their own with no adults or input from youth leaders?

Next YM Mentoring round is accepting applicants
Experience one-on-one coaching with a youth ministry veteran for 10 weeks!

The best thing you can do for families in your ministry
The divorce rate among Christians is similar to that of unbelievers, but when a married couple prays together, that statistic drops.

Get alone and get real
How do you teach a teenager how to pray when they have no understanding of it?

Addressing sinful behavior in the youth group
How do you address sinful behavior in the youth group without driving people away even when it’s accepted by parents and youth pastors?

You really should eat something [Tony Myles]
Do you enjoy reading the Bible or do you read it because you’re supposed to? Teenagers can tell the difference.

Students reading their Bibles isn’t your problem [Mark Riddle]
Part 4 in a series by LISM authors giving practical advice and ideas on how to get teenagers to read their bibles.