My proposed schedule for NWYC
I was looking through the schedule for the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention in Nashville this weekend trying to get a head start on what…

The life of America’s teenagers
I started writing this post about the portrayal of teenage-hood in Green Day’s music video, Jesus of Suburbia, but became so burdened by the seemingly…

Connecting with youth workers
Part of the reason I enjoy blogging about youth ministry is because it’s a potential point of contact with others who share my calling. Although the…

Controversial Teen Bible
I’ve been hearing about Zondervan’s new student bibles and all the flack it’s taking, mostly from the home school community. The True Images…

So much to do this summer
Hmm… I’ve been asked by the guy who directs the camp midsouth summer camp for the Evangelical Covenant denomination if I would be the director for…

Visiting Eagle Ridge students
Tonight Dana and I went to visit a couple kids from my former youth group, Eagle Ridge Church. We hung out at Casey’s house for a little bit first and…

A pastor’s view on youth ministers
This pastor in CA blogged about why he thinks youth ministry is so important. The post is very encouraging. If you work with students in any way, I recommend…

My first short-film production
This past Sunday afternoon four of the sr. high students and most of the youth leaders hung out after church to shoot a fundraiser video. The idea is that all…

Uphill Battle
I typically don’t really watch TV, mostly because it disinterests me and I don’t find it that entertaining. On the occasions that I do turn on the…

Pain in life
James 1:2-18 (NLT)
Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance…