Hip-hop freestyle game
I got this idea from egadideas.com and used it in youth group last Wednesday.
Split youth up in teams and have them write a song or rap to the instrumental…

The Skit Guys performing “The Chair”
As I was cleaning up my office yesterday I came across a stack of freebies from the NYWC in Nashville last November. Among the stack was a DVD from The Skit…

30-Hour Famine Materials
I started preparing for this year’s 30-Hour Famine event and, in so doing, came across the materials I prepared for last year’s event. For anyone…

Free salvation Flash presentation
If anyone is looking for a free salvation presentation, check out this site: www.thekristo.com. I’ve used it before at youth group outreach events. Very…

Freedom to ask hard questions
Sometimes I think Christians try way too hard to argue or convince unbelievers that God is real. Although I try to avoid judging people’s hearts, it seems…

Giving back to the YM community
For years now I’ve been blessed by other youth workers who have made their materials freely available online. I’ve gained many great ideas, have…

Following Daniel’s example of holy living
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Daniel in the Old Testament, specifically the following:
Daniel 6:4
Then the other administrators and princes began…

Youth group announcements on AIM
I got this idea from the current issue of Group Magazine. Since most of my youth group kids are on AIM and use cell phones as a primary means of communication…

Lazer Tag for Sr. High guys
Whew! It’s 8:45 PM and I’m getting up at 4:00 AM to fly back to Texas in the morning. I’m gonna head to bed in a minute but wanted to leave a…

Ministry is an oxymoron
Ministry is somehow like one big oxymoron or some kind of ironic contradiction. It would be great if it wasn’t for the people, but somehow people is what…