Addressing self-esteem at youth group
Self-image is an issue that is sometimes thought to mostly affect girls, but recently I am becoming more and more aware of just how much this affects guys, too…

My high school guys are still going strong
I was pleased to find out tonight that all the high school guys are still going strong on their commitment to no TV, video games or secular music for a week. We…

Battle Cry experiment
Following the Battle Cry event, the youth group high school guys who were present piled into my car and immediately started discussing the conference, its…

Questions regarding youth ministry
God’s been placing a new vision and direction on my heart for my youth ministry, although exactly what that is has been somewhat illusive and indefinable…

Two new ministry resources
I’ve added two new resources to my Free Youth Ministry Resources page:
Principles for Confrontation
No one enjoys confrontation. This document contains…

Lessons from “The Core” training
Yesterday I attended Youth Specialties’ “The CORE” youth workers seminar with a couple volunteers from Redeemer. We had a good time and came…

33 year old youth worker goes back to high school
Every youth pastor out there needs to keep up with this: www.twoweeksback.com.
Scott Greene, a youth pastor in Indiana, is going back to high school as a…

What high school guys look for in girls
Tonight was one of those nights when ya drop everything you had planned for the small group meeting because the students bring other issues to discuss instead…

Contrast between jobs
Yesterday was great! Most of the Sr. High guys had the day off, so we hung out at my apartment and had a Halo 2 LAN party. It’s been a while since…

Hyper-active boys in ministry
Here’s a little dream of mine: What would it look like if we could somehow capture all the energy and enthusiasm from a small group of hyper-active junior…