Creativity in ministry
Mark Batterson has a great post addressing creativity in ministry leadership and “keeping what is sacred from becomming routine.” Please read and…

Church worship and icons
A friend of mine posted today some thoughts I’ve also shared and discussed with other ministry friends concerning church worship and icons. I…

Time invested in ministry is primarily for God
Tonight I was skimming through some material in Doug Field’s book, Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, in preparation for my youth leadership training in the…

I dream of a youth group…
Wow, what a great post by Dan Kimball. I plan to do the same thing with the youth group here at Redeemer. Can’t wait to hear their responses.

Where REAL ministry takes place
Once again I’m reminded that life-changing ministry isn’t necessarily sitting in a church office planning events and games. It’s not always…

Ministry is a kingdom mindset
Almost every church I’ve been a part of has kids who attend youth group at other churches. Although some youth pastors take this as a personal offense or…

Ministry is stressful
Once again, Perry Noble nails the subject of my day on the head:
Whether your pastor will tell you this or not–criticism comes with the territory.
Being a…

Youth ministry and culture finally meet technology
I remember back in Bible college when several other youth ministry majors and myself sat around in the back of a van discussing the struggle for America’s…

Youth ministry rant, technology, and United 93
Perry Noble sure had a nice little rant today about churches that don’t properly support their youth ministries. The idea of no fundraising sounds good to…

An unnecessarily complicated gospel
My interns and I have been discussing the gospel in regards to this question: What is the core of the gospel message? Or, in other words, what is essential for…