Terminate communication with “humor”
Ken Sapp posted a good list of ways to lose contact with students, but I’d like to add one more to it: Joke around about sensitive issues like abortion…

Free youth ministry online training lectures
Covenant Seminary posted all their class lectures online in mp3 format to be downloaded free of charge, including their Youth Ministry course. If you’ve…

Questions for determining a call to ministry
I went through an old box the other day and came across a wrinkled sheet of paper with some notes scribbled on it. I don’t remember when I wrote these…

Youth group reflects its church
I’m starting to notice a trend between youth ministries and their churches. I saw it first in my own youth group when evaluating our areas of strengths…

Knowing God: Relationship, not Ritual
Everyone is unique and forms relationships a little differently. We all relate to different people in different ways, too. I relate to my wife differently than…

Using MySecret.tv in youth group
LifeChurch.tv‘s anonymous confession site, MySecret.tv, has made it around the Internet and sparked many intriguing discussions within Christian…

Worldviews in MTV’s Video Music Awards
As CPYU always recommends, I watched some of MTV’s Video Music Awards to get a feel for the current trends and status of culture. Dana and I had some…

Active listening
Here’s a good page that contains many good tips and reminders for small group leaders and anyone in ministry. I tell the small group leaders at my church…

Building online communities for youth ministry
The last two weeks of my life have been spent focusing on rebuilding my youth group’s website, like 10 hours a day! The old site was just a bunch of HTML…

Convicted by Peretti’s “House”
On the way home from our honeymoon a couple weeks ago Dana and I started listening to the audio book of Frank Peretti’s novel, “House.” The…