Notes and thoughts from second day at NYWC
I wasn’t quite sure what this guy’s point was and, judging by the number of people that left during his…

2nd day at NYWC
Dana and I were so tired from yesterday that we decided to skip the morning workshops and sleep in a little. Two youth group volunteers from our church, Seth…

Day 1: NYWC session notes and thoughts
Man, it’s only the first day and I’ve already taken 8 pages of notes! I think this will be the only night I try to type ’em all up in a some…

Pictures from first day at NYWC Austin
(Click thumbnails to view full-size images)
Touching Dan Kimball’s hair!!! Woo hoo! The poor guy only had 2 hours of sleep last night.
Left: Tic Long |…

A couple minutes before second general session
Thanks to a friend in the church, I have a laptop to borrow for the weekend and, thanks to wi-fi technology, I can update while sitting here waiting for the…

My youth group’s perspective of our church
The pastoral search committee for my [tag]church[/tag] asked if I’d record some students from the [tag]youth group[/tag] talking about the church and what…

Possible seminar schedule for the NYWC
Every year I attend the [tag]National Youth Workers Convention[/tag] I have the same problem — trying to figure out which workshops to attend…

I’m going to the NYWC in Austin!
Wow, God just did a huge thing for my me and my wife!
We’re both big fans of [tag]Youth Specialties[/tag]’ [tag]National Youth Workers…

Why graduates drop out of church
Looks like a recent study from [tag]George Barna[/tag] confirms my thoughts about why 85% of high school graduates never return to church. I think parents need…

Rethinking church service effectiveness
It’s obvious that way too many people attend church every Sunday and never connect with a word that’s said. I could walk into an average church on…