
Youth Ministry

Summer heat challenges youth group dress codes

In an email to a couple youth pastors earlier this week, Matt Silver brought up a great question:
Do you guys do anything to address any kind of wardrobe…

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Handling criticism in ministry

I know this is about a week old, but I just now went through my RSS reader and caught up with this post by Perry Noble. He did an excellent job of summarizing…

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Virginia Tech shootings: Small group video and discussion sheet

I just put together a quick video and small group discussion sheet for youth group tonight. Here it is for download in case any of your groups can benefit from…

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Practical ideas for building relationships with your youth group

The comments of my earlier post, “Why do kids come to youth group?” generated a lot of good practical ideas for building relationships with the kids…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

M.O.V.E. 2007 video

Last weekend Dana and I took two girls from our youth group to M.O.V.E. 2007 (Mission Outreach Venture Experience), an event where Evangelical Covenant youth…

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Why do kids come to youth group?

Do they come to learn? To have a good time? To worship? To avoid homework?
Craig Groeschel, pastor of, posted some reasons why people come to…

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Brainstorming for a Student Leadership Team

There are several students in my new youth ministry who are great leaders and man, I wanna make sure they get all the training and experience they need to serve…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

10 things that should be banned from youth ministry

I was thinking about this earlier and thought it might be fun to come up with a list of things that should be banned from youth ministry.

Sweatpants with…

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Defining success in youth ministry

Colossians 4:5, “Make the most of every opportunity.”
There’s been a lot of buzz spinning around the blogosphere lately about defining success…

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100 questions to ask parents

Here’s a list of some great questions to ask parents. Not sure what context I’d use them for, but it’s a good link to bookmark and hold on to…

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