Freebie Friday #171: Looping video backgrounds
Download free looping video backgrounds for PowerPoint. Great for church worship slides and more.

My response to, “This missions trip is too dangerous and...
I’ve received several emails from youth workers wondering about the potential dangers of taking their groups to places like Haiti and Mexico. One youth…

Freebie Friday #170: Worship song download with chord chart
Brian Buchanan is in a worship band called Warfare from The Lake Church in Savannah, Ga. They released their first CD this week and sent me a free mp3 and chord…

Fundraising advice, tips, and ideas for youth groups [INTERVIEW]
Disclaimer: SamaritanFundraising.com is a paid sponsor of LISM. I interviewed them because they have many years of experience in fundraising for youth group…

3 things I want my students to know before they graduate (part 2)
READ PART 1: Yesterday I shared 3 things I want my students to know before they graduate – part 1. This second part addresses how we try to accomplish…

3 things I want my students to know before they graduate (part 1)
Graduation is coming up soon. What do you want your seniors to know, do or experience before they leave youth group?

Tips to simplify your life and ministry [guest post]
This is a guest post by Ashley Engleford. If you’d like to submit a guest post for LISM, read this.
Being a youth leader is very time consuming. For many…

SYMC is great, but hopefully it will get better
I spent last weekend with 2,500 other youth workers at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference. It’s really no secret that I’m a big fan of the…

Youth Ministry Mentorship now open to both SYMC attenders and...
Last month I shared that the Youth Ministry Mentorship Program is taking its conversations to the next level by partnering with the Simply Youth Ministry…

The need for theological questioning in youth ministry [podcast]
Last Monday we talked about the need for theological questioning in youth ministry. Our featured guest was Jake Bouma, a youth pastor who even named his cat…