Why I’ve never done a missions trip with a missions organization
Maybe it’s heresy for a youth worker to say this, but I’ve actually never been on a missions trip with a missions organization, like Group…

Two great evangelism training tools for your youth group
I don’t blog advertisements…
Anyone who’s been around Life in Student Ministry for a little while knows that I almost never write product…

My problem with outreach events…
…is that they’re rarely an outreach. I plan something fun, exciting, promote it as an evangelistic event and encourage students to bring their…

My evangelism stinks
I read Ezekiel 33 this morning and was pretty convicted:
Once again a message came to me from the Lord: “Son of man, give your people this message:…

Freebie Friday #9: Four Spiritual Laws evangelism training materials
Sorry for missing last week’s Freebie Friday. With the recent move to Minnesota, unpacking, settling in and all that good stuff, blogging has obviously…

Freebie Friday #6: Read-to-go Lock-in materials
In the spirit of my youth group’s lock-in last weekend, here are all my planning materials from my last three years of lock-ins! The zip file includes…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Summary, highlights and discussion
Here’s a summary list of every issue in youth ministry that’s been mentioned by one of the series contributors. Whew! There certainly are a lot of…

Freebie Friday #2: Four Spiritual Laws seminar training materials
As a guy who got hooked on youth ministry through Student Venture (the high school division of Campus Crusades for Christ), I’ve done my fair share of 4…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Joshua Michael
I chose to take the whole Junior High route in answering my questions. Being that I primarily work with junior high students I am going to answer each question…

Ten easy steps to guarantee a successful youth ministry
UPDATE: Please read the comments below. This is not a serious post. It’s satirical sarcasm and does not contain a hint of truth. It’s a joke written…