Aiding the adversaries in your church [Time Out]
We have people in our church that make our life difficult. It’s easy to ignore, marginalize or treat them as the enemy.

The secret behind building your ministry [Time Out]
Kids like to wrestle their dads and think they can actually knock them over, so we probably feel about building our ministry. It’s really God working with us.

Never say, “I’m sorry,” in ministry [Time Out]
Someone said to never say, “I’m sorry,” in ministry because it’s admitting that you’re wrong. That’s terrible advice.

I need other Christians [Time Out]
When serving the Lord in ministry, relationships are critical to sustain us.

Responding when trust is lost in ministry [Time Out]
When there’s conflict between staff members or people you serve, how should you respond?

Let’s make sure the Joneses are okay [Time Out]
Instead of comparing ourselves to others in ministry, let’s reach out to those in youth ministry around us and make sure they’re okay.

Ministry people-pleaser vs God pleaser [Time Out]
With so many people involved in ministry, it’s easy to serve to please others and shift our focus on serving God to a lesser priority without realizing it.

Study scripture for depth, not speed [Time Out]
Do you study scripture to put your time in and get through the text, or do you read it to learn, to grow, be challenged and go deep?

This hurricane makes me evaluate my perspective [Time Out]
I do a lot of reflection in the middle of a hurricane like this. It makes me evaluate my perspective and be thankful for many things.

Be a blessing to someone [Time Out]
God calls us to be a blessing to others, and even to bring His blessing to those around us.