Time Out: What’s so bad about being a people-pleaser? (Aaron)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Everyone likes to be liked. We all want to be accepted. Most people are more interested in doing what is popular rather than what…

Time Out: Going deeper than thankfulness
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
I’m sure God likes Thanksgiving. I’m sure He likes it when we sing songs of thankfulness and share what He has done for…

Time Out: The danger of anger (Moses)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Anger is one of those sins that we all struggle with. We seem to explain it away by saying it is the fault of the one who caused…

Time Out: You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good (Joseph)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
The path to maturity is never easy. It always includes stretching and suffering. But it is always worthwhile. We may not appreciate…

Time Out: What goes around comes around (Jacob)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
‘”Do unto others before they do unto you” seems to be the life motto of many people these days. Some have worked hard…

Time Out: Trusting God and others (Isaac)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Trusting God with your life is quite hard, but trusting another human being with your life is even more difficult. Isaac faced such…

Time Out: Testing! Testing! (Abraham)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
I don’t know if anyone really enjoys testing. It seems the best part about it is the good feeling when it is over even though…

Time Out: The Lord gives and the Lord takes away (Job)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Job. Just that one word says it all. The pain, the misery, the victory – all wrapped up in the name Job. Job lost more than most…

Time Out: Persevering for 120 years (Noah)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
What’s the longest you had to persevere at any one thing? A week, several months? Perhaps even a few years? Noah holds what…

Time Out: One little bite won’t hurt (Adam and Eve)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
It’s not hard to figure out that “little” sins can be a lot more tempting than “big” sins, simply…