Time Out: The race to burn out in ministry
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
The race of ministry
Two paddle boats, both powered by coal, left Memphis about the same time, traveling down the Mississippi River…

Time Out: Dealing with the stress of ministry
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
When is the last time you felt stressed out by your ministry? How many times a week does the stress get so high it impacts your…

Time Out: How God can speak and reveal Himself to us
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
God speaks to us in a quiet voice. He speaks enlightened thoughts to our mind or burring to our heart. When He speaks He speaks…

Time Out: How God enables you in ministry
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
The last thing in life I ever wanted to do was speak before people. I never raised my hand in class. I always sat in the very back…

Time Out: Learning to listen for God’s encouraging peace
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Have you ever had a time in your life when things were going badly and you could have really fallen apart, but you prayed about it…

Time Out: Hearing God through information and guidance
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Twenty eight years ago I was between churches and seeking where God would have me minister. A church in western Pennsylvania…

Time Out: How we hear God speak
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Sometimes I’m guilty of not listening when my wife speaks. I may be looking at here and pretend to be paying attention, but…

Time Out: God speaks through a burning heart
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
In the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral there is what is known as the Whispering Gallery. Through the peculiar construction of…

Time Out: God speaks rich and enlightening thoughts
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Writer Charles Swindoll once found himself with too many commitments in too few days. He got nervous and tense about it. “I…

Time Out: How to hear God speak in a gentle whisper
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
There is an old story about two men walking down a busy, loud New York City street. Horns honked, engines roared, PA systems…