

Freebie Friday #167: Seminar, “Communicating with teens and parents...

Last weekend at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference I was scheduled to present the same seminar I lead at conference the year before, “Communicating…

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

The Online Missions Trip starts THIS SUNDAY!

Just a quick reminder that that Online Missions Trip starts this Sunday! Greg Stier reminded us about it this morning, too.
If you’re not familiar with…

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The future of LISM based on your feedback (2 of 2)

Yesterday I posted the general results from the survey I did of this site’s readership, which was really helpful in sharpening the focus of this site for…

read Read Time: 8 Minutes

The future of LISM based on your feedback (1 of 2)

On New Year’s Eve I asked how I can make LISM more valuable for you in 2010 and I’m glad I did because 70 of you gave me a lot of very helpful…

read Read Time: 4 Minutes

How mobile location-based games will impact the future of youth ministry

Location-aware mobile games will impact ministry. Here’s what’s ahead for social media and youth workers.

read Read Time: 8 Minutes

Quick Note: LIVE YM Talk is moving to

Just a quick note to notify everyone that LIVE YM Talk will now be hosted at
In 2008 LIVE YM Talk was hosted on Skype before we quickly…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

REMINDER: Online Missions Trip starts January 31!

This past September I announced the dates for the 2010 Online Missions Trip, along with some detailed information about what it is, how it works, and how your…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

How can I make LISM more valuable for you in 2010?

As we enter into 2010, I’ve been thinking a lot about Life In Student Ministry and it’s direction for the future. I’ve been tremendously…

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How we used Google Wave at youth group

We used Google Wave to have separate, yet collaborative, guy/girl discussions at youth group in a powerful way.

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

How new technology develops into a ministry tool

With any new technology, the question is asked by many, “How can we use this tool in ministry to advance the Kingdom?” The conversation that follows…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes