

Preaching this Sunday… what should I do?

Hmm… Our interim pastor just called me and said that the guest speaker for Sunday had to cancel due to some scheduling conflicts and asked if I’d be…

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Four reasons to put youth group videos on YouTube

I love it when visitors e-mail me with questions. They usually turn out to be excellent blog posts! Here’s one such example:
I am thinking of putting some…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

The 13 most embarassing web moments

Today PCWorld posted a list of what they deem to be the top 13 most embarrassing web moments. Knowing that big companies and important people accidentally do…

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Blogging tips for pastors

Cory Miller of contacted me a while back and asked if I’d answer some questions for his series, “Blogging for Pastors…

read Read Time: 4 Minutes

The future of pulpit teaching?

Will this change the future of communication from the pulpit? It gives the ability to bring up images, change text and form illustrations on the fly, all with…

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Teenagers and technology usage

Church Relevance just posted a survey by The Pew Internet & American Life Project. They polled teenagers aged 12 to 17 to learn more about their use of…

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Youth ministry blogging is not popular

Almost two weeks ago I did a little experiment. I realize blogging about youth ministry addresses a very small minority of web users and was interested to see…

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The power of electronic culture, by Shane Hipps

I’m a guy who enjoys electronics, gizmos and gadgets. I even supported part of my seminary education by doing part-time I.T. administration for a company…

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How to correct misspelled words added to Firefox 2.0 dictionary

I’m a 100% sold-out fan of Firefox 2.0. I know IE7 just released, but I have yet to read a review of it that tempts me to make the switch. In fact…

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Guild Wars: Nightfall releases tonight

Yep, my pre-order of Guild Wars: Nightfall is available at noon today, so after lunch I’m going straight to GameStop to pick it up. Since I got married…

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