Two year anniversary of this blog
Woah, that came up fast! I just read my one year anniversary post and a lot has changed since then.
Last Year
This time last year I recorded 30,000 visitors for…

Text messaging youth group t-shirts
Rethinking Youth Ministry posted about a resource called Reactee that prints t-shirts like this:
This is a great idea! Looks to me like Reactee is just using…

How to build an interactive youth group website
I started writing this as a reply to Courtney’s comment on my previous post about my youth group’s website, but it got pretty long and I thought…

My blog is officially transfered
A couple days ago I announced that I was planning to migrate my blog to virtual private server. It took me Friday night and all day Saturday and it’s…

My blog is tired and stressed out!
Well, you guys have done it! You’ve successfully maxed out my shared web hosting account and brought my site to a standstill. For the past couple months…

Sending youth group announcements as mass text messages
Chris Day of SerialYouthPastor.com responded to one of my ideas in 130 Youth Ministry Tips & Ideas ebook about using a Skype-in phone number as an…

Positives and negatives of pastors blogging
In case you missed this back in my very long interview post:
Here are 10 positive reasons of why I think pastors should blog:
1. Churches across America…

How to write an ebook in 7 steps
Ever since I released my ebook, “130 Youth Ministry Tips & Ideas,” I’ve had a couple requests for this post. This is my first ebook, so…

Two recent customer service stories
DISCLAIMER: I realize this is totally outside the usual scope of my blog and most readers aren’t interested in this kinda stuff, but I still felt like…