5 reasons why social media is important for your church
There are many ministry opportunities available for churches in social media. It’s a powerful tool for local churches to connect and engage.
What happens online when you die
When you die, what happens to all your tweets, Facebook posts, pictures, status updates, private messages, and more?
What’s going to happen to LISM now?
Although I’m not serving in full-time vocational youth ministry anymore, my heart and passion for teens and their families hasn’t changed.
Huge announcement for my website business, MinistryWebsites.biz
After serving churches and ministry organizations through MinistryWebsites.biz, Immerseme is acquiring it!
Top 10 LISM posts of 2011
There were a lot of youth ministry blog posts published to Life In Student Ministry last year. Here are the top 10 posts of 2011.
How can we be more valuable for you in 2012?
Complete the 2012 blog survey and enter to win 1 of 10 youth ministry books! Thanks for your invaluable feedback!
Free FacePlant video announcement tool [Freebie Friday]
Download this free tool to insert your face into different movies and easily turn them into youth group announcement videos!
Using Santa app to make simple video announcements
Here’s a great idea for using talking apps to record simple video announcements for your youth group!
Vote to give $1,500+ to a youth worker!
We’re down to four youth workers and want to bless one of them financially this Christmas, as voted on by YOU! Watch their stories and vote!
I’m on the Dare 2 Share blogging team!
Dare 2 Share has officially launched their new blog and I’m honored to be one of the contributing authors along with Greg Stier and Jason Lamb!