Major overhaul at Timschmoyer.com
New Theme
Over the weekend I put a lot of work into overhauling Timschmoyer.com. The previous theme was giving me errors and making WordPress upgrades a royal…

Email is old-school: Three better ideas for communicating with teens
Kids don’t use email to communicate with each other anymore. Although adults have finally caught on and businesses aren’t sure how to function…

Video archive of Teen Internet Seminar for Parents
Thanks to everyone who joined our live video feed last night of the Teen Internet Workshop for Parents! It was great to have your interaction and contribution…

Seminar on Teen Internet Hangouts tonight!
Tonight I’m teaching a seminar for my youth group parents on teen Internet hangouts like Facebook, World of Warcraft, YouTube and some upcoming sites to…

Internet tools I use in ministry (3 of 6): AlexandriaYouth.com
Perhaps this is clearly obvious, but I use my youth group’s website for almost every aspect of communication in my ministry. Actually, I honestly have no…

Internet tools I use in ministry (2 of 6): Txtsignal.com
Five months ago I reviewed Txtsignal.com and now it’s one of my favorite means of communicating to my youth group.
Sending mass text messages is so…

Promo code for a FREE movie rental
I got an email from Redbox today with a promo code for a free movie rental, good from now until October 31, 2007. If you’re not familiar with Redbox…

Watch Teen Internet Workshop LIVE on Ustream.tv
In case you missed it, two weeks ago I posted that I will be teaching a parent workshop on November 6 about Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, Instant Messenger, World…

Panel discussion on teen Internet use
This is phenomenal. I learned so much from this Congress panel discussion on teenagers’ use of the Internet, its dangers and how we should address them…

Toyota advertising with World of Warcraft commercial
If you read my earlier post this month about how we underestimate video games and dismissed it, marketing companies haven’t. They understand the influence…