How to break down division in the youth group [podcast]
We discuss a youth group that is divided and how to break down the barriers to unity, as well as many other youth ministry questions.

Keeping marriage strong throughout ministry [podcast]
We discuss marriage and ministry and how to keep our relationship with our spouse strong through the pressures and expectations ministry brings.

Serving as a single guy/girl in youth ministry [podcast]
Serving as a single guy or girl in youth ministry comes with a unique set of challenges. There’s pressures and struggles to earn respect and credibility.

How to contact and connect with non-church kids [podcast]
In this podcast, youth workers discuss how to initiate contact with students who are not yet part of our church or youth group and how to connect with them.

Dress standards for summer youth group ministry [podcast]
Some groups are strict about dress standards, especially bathing suits. We discuss our policies and how to teach values, not rules.

The difference between a missions trip and work project [podcast]
Is there a difference between a missions trip and a work project and, if so, what’s the difference?

Handling out-of-control middle school students [podcast]
We discussed questions about how to handle middle school students who are out of control, students who cut, relationships, and more.

Common mistakes youth workers make [podcast]
Our discussion about common mistakes we’ve made, what we learned, and ways to clean up the messes we create.

Answering common excuses youth group kids make [podcast]
It can be frustrating to serve as a youth worker and hear youth group kids give lame excuses for things. Here’s how to answer them.

Increasing attendance among the disconnected teens [podcast]
How do you increase attendance at youth group, especially among the teens who are disconnected from the church? Listen to us discuss that and much more.