The glorification of me, the worm
In some churches, when the Sunday morning worship service is over, the pastor stands at the back door and shakes everyone’s hand as they leave. Most…

What is REALLY worth my time in student ministry?
Last week Adam McLane posted a short video where he challenges youth workers to step back and reconsider where we spend all our time, and if it really matters…

My priorities need a major adjustment
This week is a crazy busy week for me. The culmination of a ton of stuff comes down to this weekend and next week.
This Sunday 56 jr. highers are giving their…

If you died today, what would your ministry be remembered for?
It’s easy to be short-sighted in ministry. Are you pursing the Lord’s huge vision?

What I learned about ministry in 2008
I did this for 2007 and thought it appropriate to reflect back on what I learned about ministry in 2008.
Communicating a clear vision for my ministry is…

God’s Christmas gift to me and Dana!
I’ll just jump to the chase: I’M GOING TO BE A DADDY! That’s right! This Christmas the Lord has blessed me and Dana with the news of having a…

A Christmas video greeting from me and Dana
Dana and I sent this video “Christmas card” to friends and family, and now to you, too! Merry Christmas from me and Dana!
See the full Christmas…

Free iPod Touch, iPhone, Xbox 360, cash and more: How to get it all for...
It’s been a couple months since I’ve posted about this and, since Life In Student Ministry has hundreds of new readers since then, I wanted to share…

We are DEBT FREE! Thanks, Dave Ramsey!
I have been waiting to write this post for a LONG time. I can’t believe it’s actually here! As of 9:00 AM on Tuesday, November 9th, 2008, we paid…

Reviewing the past year of my youth ministry
Every year each ministry in our church writes an overview of the past year. A couple of us (including myself) also give an oral report at our annual meeting…