Being recognized by random people
Today I read Marko’s post about feeling kinda weird after being recognized in Starbucks by a random youth pastor. It brought to memory a time several…

Honeymoon pictures posted
Whew! I spent most of today re-building my blog here. There’s still some dead links and features around here that aren’t working right, but…

Getting married this Saturday!
Ahh, the time has finally come. In exactly three days from now Dana and I will be married and preparing to leave the alter for the reception. Unfortunately…

Growing old with you, Dana
Dana, the wedding is just a week away! This is for you (except for the dishes and drinking part). ;) I love you and can’t wait to spend the rest of my…

Transition point in life
So many changes taking place in my life:
— Went from two part-time jobs to only one (at church).
— Being married in 10 days.
— Packing all…

Home from Ukraine today
It feels weird to be back in the States again. I don’t stick out as an American tourist here and I can actually eavesdrop on conversations and understand…

Pictures from Ukraine
Having a great time of effective ministry, training, and relationships! Here are some pictures real quick. I’ll have a big videoblog entry when I get…

Off to the Ukraine
Tomorrow (June 27) I leave for a 12 day missions trip in Ukraine. Please remember to pray for me and the other four adults from my church who are going…

What I dream for a church
Sparked by Dan Kimball’s recent blog post, I put together my own dream for a church, especially as it pertains to me in ministry.
In no particular…

Uncertain about NYWC this year
Every year I look forward to attending Youth Specialties’ National Youth Workers Convention, especially this year since it’s relatively close by in…