Assessment questions for your team’s communication [Links ‘n...
Articles from around the web about youth ministry, including a post with questions to use when assessing your team’s communication.

What seniors need to know about faith in college [Links ‘n Vids]
This week’s youth ministry blogosphere highlights include a good video from Fuller Youth Institute about faith in college.

Making volunteer youth ministry meetings worthwhile [Links ‘n Vids]
This week we feature links and videos from across the youth ministry blogosphere, including an article about how to make volunteer meetings worthwhile.

Does Facebook help or hinder offline friendships? [Links ‘n Vids]
Recommend links and videos for youth ministry, like if Facebook helps or hinders offline friendships and what graduates need to know after high school.

See yourself as a participant, not a consumer [Links ‘n Vids]
This week’s Links ‘n Vids highlighting posts about the upcoming weekend at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference!

Do more in youth ministry in less time [Links ‘n Vids]
This week’s links and videos include blog posts about time management, volunteers, and a chance to win a free copy of my new book!

No room for selfishness in youth ministry [Links ‘n Vids]
The first week of our new weekly series where we highlight Brian’s links and Tim’s videos from the youth ministry blogosphere.