Jonathan McKee is not a perfect parent! (just like me)
Jonathan McKee’s new book on parenting teenagers is out! It’s a great resource for a training time during your parent meetings.
10 tips for youth pastor search committees
Youth pastor search committees are a decent method to finding youth worker, but they often make some common mistakes along the way.
Increasing attendance among the disconnected teens [podcast]
How do you increase attendance at youth group, especially among the teens who are disconnected from the church? Listen to us discuss that and much more.
I’m in youth ministry again!
Here’s an update on what we’ve been up to since being fired from youth ministry a couple months ago. Thanks for your support!
When the church does not support its youth ministry [podcast]
This is a solid discussion about youth leaders and youth ministries that feel like they have no or little support from their church.
See yourself as a participant, not a consumer [Links ‘n Vids]
This week’s Links ‘n Vids highlighting posts about the upcoming weekend at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference!
Do more in youth ministry in less time [Links ‘n Vids]
This week’s links and videos include blog posts about time management, volunteers, and a chance to win a free copy of my new book!
When there’s conflict with your senior pastor
How youth workers should handle conflict with their senior pastor and prevent it in the first place.
Changes we’re making to our youth ministries in 2011 [podcast]
Changes we’re implementing in our ministries for 2011, especially concerning student leadership, outreach, and productivity.