What do you deeply believe about family?
What we deeply believe about family and the church will influence how we do youth ministry. Here’s one example.

You’re not actually passionate about youth ministry
As youth workers, we say we’re passionate about youth ministry, but what if ministry is actually just how we express a deeper passion for something else?

Why (and how) to supplement your ministry salary
Diversifying your salary with other income can be a lifesaver and help provide more freedom in your ministry. Here’s how to get started.

You need to make more money as a youth worker
Many youth workers are underpaid, but the issue of how much money they make is twofold. The responsibility lies both on the church and the youth worker.

FREE ebook today only on entitlement in an age of consumerism
For today only you can download this ebook for free for church leaders on entitlement and consumerism mentality in the church!

Leadership style assessment tool [Freebie Friday]
Use this free leadership assessment tool to learn about your leadership style and the implications it holds for your ministry.

8 ideas for making family your primary ministry [Guest Post]
Serving our family at home is our primary ministry, not our ministry to the church or the youth group. Here’s 8 ideas for doing so.

The role of the youth pastor is changing
A trend that seems to be taking place in youth ministry and directing its future is that churches are changing the role of the youth pastor.

Are we paid to be the Holy Spirit?
While reading through pastor job descriptions it seems some churches expect pastors to play the role of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives. Is that fair?

The past will help us move forward in 2012 [Time Out]
Evaluating the last year’s ministry is always healthy, but we first need to look to the past to learn what brought us to where we are today.