Freebie Friday #3: Simply Youth Ministry materials
This week’s freebie comes from Doug Field’s Simply Youth Ministry’s website. They have all sorts of excellent resources available for free…

Freebie Friday #2: Four Spiritual Laws seminar training materials
As a guy who got hooked on youth ministry through Student Venture (the high school division of Campus Crusades for Christ), I’ve done my fair share of 4…

Freebie Friday #1: Icebreaker games
Here are some icrebreakers I pulled from an old document I found on my computer dated June 2, 2002.
1. 60-Second Mouth Tug-of-War
Tie a marshmallow to the…

Introducing Freebie Friday
I have a Free Youth Ministry Resources page here on my blog where I post a lot of materials that I put together for my own youth ministry and think might be…