Freebie Friday #43: Free PowerPoint and MediaShout backgrounds for worship
Stevan Sheets, a youth pastor in Wisconsin, sent me 20 worship background images for use in PowerPoint and MediaShout. He created each of them himself is happy…
Freebie Friday #42: Lesson series based on Heros tv show
Today’s Freebie Friday is provided by Jason Curlee, a youth pastor in Corpus Christi, Texas. Check out his blog at Making Difference Makers.
Freebie Friday #41: How to prepare your high school seniors for college
Ryan Weaver, a youth pastor in Maryland, graciously provides today’s Freebie Friday. He has a great idea here about how to prepare seniors for life after…
Freebie Friday #40: Free ebook on how to lead Bible studies
I’d like you to meet Grahame Knox, a brand new youth ministry blogger from the UK. Although he just entered the blogoshere this month, he’s been in…
Freebie Friday #39: See You At The Pole training session for students
Every time Bill Allison of Cadre Ministries offers free resources for youth workers, it’s always a goldmine for the rest of us. Thanks, Bill! Here’s…
Freebie Friday #38: Post-modernity seminar for adults and leaders
Another Freebie Friday graciously provided by Brett Hetherington. Thanks again, Brett! If you love his material as much as I do, be sure to check out his site…
Freebie Friday #37: Photo scavenger hunt sheet
This week’s Freebie Friday is donated by Chris Wheeler, the Youth and Family Director at First UMC in Kennett, Missouri. I can tell she put a lot of work…
Freebie Friday #36: My updated volunteer application packet
Just updated my volunteer info/application/screening process packet and thought I’d throw it out here for anyone else who can use it. The old one has been…
Freebie Friday #35: Download Robbie Seay’s new album for FREE
Relevant Magazine is giving away free copies of Robbie Seay’s new album, Give Yourself Away, set to release on August 28 from Sparrow Records. If…
Freebie Friday #34: Or is it Freebie Monday?
Actually, it’s both. I’ve been doing Freebie Fridays here for a while now, but Adam Mclane also gives away free youth ministry stuff every Monday…