Freebie Friday 173: “Minute To Win It” youth group games
Here’s 63 games from NBC’s Minute To Win It game show that could make great youth group games.
Freebie Friday 172: Heaven and Hell youth bible study series
Download this free bible study lessons series for youth groups on what the Bible teaches about heaven and hell.
Freebie Friday #171: Looping video backgrounds
Download free looping video backgrounds for PowerPoint. Great for church worship slides and more.
Freebie Friday #170: Worship song download with chord chart
Brian Buchanan is in a worship band called Warfare from The Lake Church in Savannah, Ga. They released their first CD this week and sent me a free mp3 and chord…
Freebie Friday #169: Free ConGRADulations 2010 CD from Interlinc
Our friends at Interlinc want to give you something you will really like. Get a FREE ConGRADulations! Class of 2010 (gift for graduating seniors) CD by going to…
Freebie Friday #168: H.A.B.I.T.S. bible study talk sheet
Brian McNarry, a youth worker in Manitoba, Canada, contributes another Freebie Friday for this week. Thanks, Brian!
If you’ve read Purpose Driven Youth…
Freebie Friday #167: Seminar, “Communicating with teens and parents...
Last weekend at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference I was scheduled to present the same seminar I lead at conference the year before, “Communicating…
Freebie Friday #166: Matthew 19 bible study discussion guide
Brian McNarry, a youth worker in Manitoba, Canada, contributes this week’s Freebie Friday. Thanks, Brian!
It’s a Bible study discussion guide about…
Freebie Friday #165: “How To Get The Word Out” event...
Here’s another great resource from Paul Turner. It’s a check list to help you get the word out about your youth group events. It includes a lot of…
Freebie Friday #164: Lesson series, “Is Christianity really the only...
Brett Hetherington has contributed more to our Freebie Fridays over the past couple years than anyone else. The best part is, his stuff is always quality…