A couple weeks ago I posted my video, “You might be a youth worker if…” and, as promised, here’s a follow-up to that video, “Top 10 things you never want to hear from your youth pastor.” It was originally posted a couple years ago as a blog post asking you guys for your ideas, but I never officially published my favorite 10 submissions until now.
It was my first time working with a green screen, so you’ll have to be a bit forgiving of my “special effects.” lol
I’d love to hear what other ideas you guys have for “things you never want to hear from your youth pastor.” Post them in the comments below! Oh, and if you enjoy the video, consider sharing it online with others via Facebook and Twitter.
Watch the “Behind The Scenes” creation of this video and the “You might be a youth worker if…” video!

Posted on September 20, 2010