
Seven tips for recruiting volunteers

Topic / Volunteers

no help wantedI’ve never met a youth worker with a sign on his/her door that said, “No help wanted.”

In ministry it seems that we could always use more volunteers. The need for positive adult role models becomes even more vital when we make it a priority to connect adults with our kids one-on-one.

So how can we recruit quality volunteers?

That’s a big question. And there are numerous resources out there that provide some guidance in that area. I’ve written articles about recruiting and even keeping volunteers. I even co-authored a book with my dad who happens to have a passion for motivating and equipping volunteer managers through his website

So this time—rather than chiming in with my two cents—let me point you to the expert: my dad.

Last week GROUP’s Church Volunteer Daily spotlight featured an article about my dad’s teaching titled, 7 Tips for Recruiting Today’s Volunteer. In that article, GROUP not only provides the 7 tips, they link a place where you can read the first chapter of our book on the subject for free (free is good).

Take a peek at the 7 Tips my dad provides. Then chime in and let us know one of two things:

  1. Which of these tips have you had success with first hand? For example, Tip #1, asking personally rather than relying on announcements. Have you noticed the fact that people want to be asked? They don’t necessarily want to walk up to a booth at a ministry fair and say, “Need some help?” I’ve recruited far more volunteers walking up to someone I know and asking them, “Jim, I need your help.”
  2. What other successful tips have you discovered recruiting volunteers for your ministry?

Let us know! We want to hear from you!

Posted on May 18, 2011

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