
This hurricane makes me evaluate my perspective [Time Out]

Topic / Time Out

Time Out quiet times for the youth worker's soulTime Out: Weekly quiet times for the youth worker’s soul.
(by Adam Wormann)

On the East Coast we had a little storm this weekend. Fortunately, it was downgraded and the word I’m seeing on Facebook and Twitter a lot is “disappoint.” I guess when you want to see some action, that’s probably a good word. People were generally thankful that Irene wasn’t as nasty as she could have been. As time is going on though, after the storm has passed, people are finding more damage and the aftermath is getting worse, mostly with flooding. Water levels are still rising, and I personally know several people who have feet of water in their house. Please, pray for them.

You do a lot of reflection in the middle of a storm like this. When you could lose something, or everything, it gives you a change in perspective. I saw this on our relief trips to New Orleans (a friend just told me that across the street from him, 6 years later, a house just got torn down that was never even gutted. Recovery is slow).  I think it hits you even more, though, when it’s people you know personally and not just people you meet on a trip. It’s devastating to lose. It also gives you a reminder of what’s really important.

In Matthew 6 (read that now), Jesus talks about things that have true worth. As much as Jesus talks about possessions and their relative importance, and about sacrificing to help others, it’s often hard for us to grasp. We get dependent and attached to things more than we realize. But, all that isn’t important. What we need to do is periodically take a few minutes and try to realign our priorities. God promises that he’ll take care of us. Sometimes one of the hardest and most important things we need to do is trust.


  • Take a couple minutes, and seriously evaluate your priorities? Where are they? Are they right?
  • Go give some family and friends a hug. Let them know that their important. That’s important to do.
  • Is there anything in your life right now that you’re holding on to? That’s getting in the way of what’s really important?
  • Take some time to be thankful for what you have.

Posted on August 30, 2011

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