
Teaching video clip on Owen Wilson’s attempted suicide

I saw this news clip on YouTube about Owen Wilson’s recent suicide attempt. There’s a lot of good comments in this clip by (assumed) unbelievers about how empty fame and fortune really is.

“How can someone who seems to have it all be such a troubled person?” (News reporter)

“We succeed to the very best we can be and there’s still an emptiness within us…and we don’t know how to appropriately fill that… If we don’t get the help we need, the only answer is to end it.” (Interviewee)

“He’s a celebrity, he dates beautiful women, he’s got tons of money, a guy who really seems, on the outside anyway, to really have it all. Does this just point out that living the Hollywood dream really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?” (News reporter)

“No matter what it seems like on the outside, living to get that ‘next fix’ is the only thing you live for. It’s hell! It’s a living hell!” (Interviewee)

I edited the YouTube clip a little to make it shorter and used it as a part of my lesson today about how only a relationship with God can satisfy. It also works well with Dare2Share’s latest youth leader lesson, Owen Wilson’s Meltdown (free, but site registration is required). Download the clip here if you wanna use it sometime:

Movie iconOwen Wilson suicide news report (3 min, 16 sec; Divx format; 27.6MB)

Posted on September 9, 2007

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