If you’re looking for a cheap and fun idea for your youth group during the summer, try doing an outdoor movie night. Hang a sheet on the outside of your house, bring in a sound system and video projector from church and wa-la! This video is how it works for us.
Important legal info for Movie Night
I mention this in the video, but I got it wrong. The license your church needs is called CVLI. You’ll need to keep a log of what movies you show and how many watched for reporting purposes. The license also does not cover charging an admission fee for video showings or where specific titles have been advertised or publicized ahead of time. However, it does cover manufactured DVD’s and video cassettes purchased, rented or borrowed. Check out more details at cvli.com. (Thanks to Darren Sutton on Facebook for the license info!)
VIDEO: Here’s how it worked for us last week

Posted on August 31, 2010