
Small group lesson on self-image [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #293

I came across this small group lesson plan on my computer the other day. The file date says it’s from 2004! I don’t remember if I wrote it or someone else did, but it looks like it’s geared toward small group of teenager girls.

The lesson discusses our self-image, how we view ourselves, and what we think about ourselves in contrast to how God sees us. Obviously guys deal with self-image, too, but the lesson seems to be more fitting for girls.

If you have a small group of girls and want some ideas of how to start talking about self-image and self-esteem, this might point you in the right direction.

LinkDownload, Self-Image Small Group Lesson

Posted on August 10, 2012

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