
Revealing truth in a way that changes people’s lives

Revealing truth in a way that changes people's livesFor 12 years in vocational youth ministry my job was to reveal truth in a way that changed people’s lives. My everyday youth ministry tasks all revolved around revealing truth with the intention that it was going to change someone’s life: teaching scripture, planning events, training leaders, listening to a parent’s family struggle, even staff meetings were intended to help us all reveal truth more effectively as a team.

One of the reasons why I’m excited about my new role at Epipheo Studios is because my job remains what it was before: to reveal truth in a way that change people’s lives. In fact, that’s Epipheo’s slogan, word-for-word.

Last week I started drafting a year’s worth of weekly video content for their YouTube channel that is intended to do just that. If you’ve ever mapped out a year’s worth of messages for youth group, then you know how this feels. It’s exciting because it leaves you with a sense of vision, direction, and destination all in one exercise!

The difference is that I know how to map out several years worth of truth-revealing content for a youth group — that’s no problem — but doing so for a YouTube channel to a global audience that is primarily non-Christian is totally different. How do you do that in a way that keeps everyone engaged across all religions, philosophies, cultures, and languages? Yikes.

Thankfully I’ve learned a little about this over the past year of Youth Questions, which actually turns 1 year old this month! Woo hoo!

Youth Questions subscriber growth(Parenthetically, I am so excited about the response to the Youth Questions YouTube channel over the past year! Our videos have been viewed over 34,000 times and this graph reflects our subscriber growth. It looks like we’re heading in the right direction! It is revealing truth in a way that’s definitely changing people’s lives. I wish I could tell you stories…)

But anyway, all that to say this: please pray for me over the next few months as I being to reveal truth in a way that changes people’s lives, both on YouTube and in our local community with neighbors and in a church. Some very formative weeks are ahead. Thank you!

Posted on April 17, 2012

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