
Podcast: Ministering to parents of unchurched kids in our youth groups

Topic / Podcasts

Yesterday in our LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation Chris Day shared about his previous youth ministry that consisted mostly of unchurched teenagers. From his experience, he shared many good insights and ideas for how we can successfully work with the some of the challenges that these students present, as well as how we can reach their parents for Christ. Great discussion!

Check out Chris’ blog at

You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.

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Next week’s discussion

October 24th: Next week will be unique. Michael Rothermel, a teenager in Pennsylvania, will be our featured guest teaching us about using media like film, music, and photography in our teaching. Michael is a youth group teenager himself, so it will be good to hear about it from a student’s perspective. Join us at 2:00 PM Eastern time next Friday!

Join our next LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation!

Posted on October 18, 2008

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