Today Andy Brazelton joined us for our LIVE YM Talk and gave us some very valuable input about what it’s like to be a volunteer in youth ministry, how youth workers can work better with the youth leaders on their team, and how volunteers can balance their full-time jobs and families with ministry.
Some of the things we talked about:
- Tips for paid youth workers who serve with volunteer leaders
- Ideas for supporting, encouraging volunteer leaders
- Balancing a full-time job and family with volunteer ministry commitments
- How to celebrate volunteer ministry
- And a lot more…
You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.
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Next week’s discussion
July 24: Next week Shawn Shoup is our featured guest. He’ll share from his recent experiences about “rest, burn-out and time management in youth ministry.”
Join our next LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation!
Posted on July 17, 2009