
Podcast: Highlights from Friday’s Skypecast conversation

We had another great Skypecast discussion last Friday! Thanks to everyone who came! It was really a beneficial time for all of us to hear about how God is working in other ministries, to be encouraged in tremendous ways and to receive advice from others who have often already gone through the exact the same things we are. I love hanging out and talking with you all about anything that pertains to “life in student ministry” and “what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Eph. 4:29).

This week we covered several great topics, including:

  • Building relationships with teens this summer
  • Prioritizing time and responsibilities in ministry
  • The balance between teaching from a plan and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead differently last-minute
  • The difference between teaching from a curriculum and teaching from our lives
  • What stresses us out the most in youth ministry
  • Handling conflict
  • Disciplining kids in our ministry
  • Keeping different literacy levels and age groups of teens engaged together without leaving some behind

It’s been over a year since my last podcast, so what better time to publish another one than to feature some of the highlights from last Friday’s Skypecast conversation. To join in the conversation again this Friday, visit the Life In Student Ministry Skypecast page at 1:00 PM Central Time and click the link to join the discussion via Skype. If you don’t have a microphone, don’t worry — you can still interact via the group chat room.

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Posted on May 12, 2008

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