
Answering recent questions and debates from [podcast]

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkLast Monday was our first LIVE YM Talk show where we collectively answered questions and debates that were posted to the site by other ministry workers. There was a lot of good discussion over real issues that real youth workers are experiencing.

Some of the things we talked about:

  • If youth ministry is rooted in pragmatism or sound theology
  • If you should have a “bring a friend” youth group night
  • Siding with parents when teens disagree with them
  • How to teach middle schoolers the importance of “Living for Jesus”
  • And a lot more…

You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.

1. Play this episode     

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Next Monday’s discussion

December 7: Tomorrow Walt Mueller of CPYU is joining us to answer your questions about youth ministry, youth culture, and parenting. Submit your questions here ahead of time. The show starts at 2:00 PM eastern time. Call (724) 444-7444 and enter ID 19105#, or use the link on the LIVE YM Talk page to listen online and join the chat room.

Join our next LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation!

Posted on December 6, 2009

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