
“My parents give me no privacy!” talksheet and video [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #247

Last month I gave you guys an update about the Youth Questions channel I run on YouTube and how it’s being used to reach teenagers online. In that update I mentioned that several youth workers are also using those videos to introduce topics and discussions in their youth groups, some of them even writing talksheets and lesson plans to accompany the videos.

Jillianne Booth, the Assistant Youth Minister at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, plans on using the videos every week as part of her regular youth meetings. She passed along the lesson plan she wrote for the video on, “My parents give me no privacy,” and now I get to pass it along to you all.

Here’s the video on YouTube:

In case you missed it, here’s two other talksheets for Youth Questions videos we did.

Life In Student MinistryYou can download the, “My parents give me no privacy,” video for free in iTunes.

LinkDownload the, “My parents give me no privacy,” talksheet

Posted on September 23, 2011

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