Why I’d rather combine jr. and sr. high at youth group
I’m not saying that every youth group should combine jr. high and sr. high ministries, but I do think there are some valid reasons for keeping them…

Youth ministry mentorship application is now OPEN!
We’re excited to open up the application for another round of one-on-one youth ministry mentoring! Read for details.

Time Out: Wear your helmet
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Football is a touch sport. Thus, it requires special equipment to protect those who participate. The players don’t have to…

Podcast: Achieving longevity in youth ministry
Yesterday in our LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation Dale Tadlock lead us in a discussion about achieving longevity in youth ministry. He’s been serving in…

Freebie Friday #107: 3-week lesson series on sharing your faith
Brian Ford wrote a three-week lesson series for youth groups to use as pre-trip training for the Online Missions Trip. The “missions trip to…

Youth group curriculum reviews: What’s hot, what’s not
I’ve used many curriculum packages over the years. Here’s what’s worth your time and money.

5 tools I’m happy to pay for as a youth worker
1. TxtSignal.com: $30/month
With a couple of my youth group kids burning through 18,000 text messages in one month each (yes, seriously!), it almost seems…

Time Out: Play your position
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
A football team is composed of many players each of whom plays a different position. There is offense, defense, special teams…

Freebie Friday #106: 21-day devotional for youth
Paul Turner kicked off Freebie Friday in 2008 with a CSI Crime Scenes from the Bible. This year he’s kicking off 2009’s Freebie Friday with a 21-day…